

What is Dermo-MyofascialTherapy (DMFT)?

It is physical therapy for the dermo-myofascial system using manual therapy and dry needling. Basically, it is skin wellness, the non-surgical, non-pharmacological solution for scars and adhesions and atrophy in the skin.

What is the dermo-myofascial system?

The dermo-myofascial system is the skin (dermis) and the underlying muscles and fascia.

What kind of clients benefit from DMFT?

Anyone wanting to improve their skin health, including those with some types of scars and some issues of aging skin.  The therapist will evaluate you on your first visit to assess whether your skin issue may benefit from DermoKinetic Therapy.

Does DMFT work for everyone?

Nothing works for everyone, which is why there cannot be any guarantees for improvement, but Manual Therapy of Nashville does offer an unconditional money-back guarantee.

How can I make an appointment?

These services will be available for online scheduling. Click on Dermo-myofascial Therapy.

Does insurance pay for this service?


I am a physical therapist, how can I be trained in this service?

Rebecca will be offering an online class coming out this year. Ask to be put on her mailing list to be notified when it is available.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]